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Welcome to the Kilham Parish Council
We hope that you will find the content of our website both useful and informative. Kilham Parish Council is not responsible for the content of external websites
Letting residents know about our Accredited Learning

We can provide free training and support for anyone who doesn’t have level two qualifications (GCSE or equivalent) in English, maths and computer and digital skills.
Humberside Police
Please read the following attachment from Humberside Police which summarises some of the despicable scams that the world’s low life is trying to use to inflict additional misery on the unwary
NPT Scam Advice Letter3 Steps to Safety
Creating a Safe Place to Live, Work, Shop, Learn, Play, Invest and Visit.
3 Steps to Safety
We need: Jumpers, Cardigans, Skirts, Trousers, PE Kit, Trainers, Football Boots. Other items needed for school: School branded items including Driffield Infants/Juniors, Northfield, Hutton Cranswick, Wetwang, Sledmere, Garton on the Wolds, Kilham and more.... For more details, please read leaflets below.
Driffield Uniform Recycle Donate Driffield Uniform Recycle ReuseKilham Parish Council
The Parish Council wants to collate all the complaints/incidents connected to the flooding in the village in order to produce a report to present to the authorities. This will help to make a solid case for action to be taken. To enable us to do this please send your experiences by email to including permission for the Parish Council to use your personnel information in the report.
We would like to ask for your help on another matter. If a bus service was provided through the village would you use it and how often? The councillors wish to explore the possibility of working with ERYC/bus company to see whether a service to Driffield, to start with, could be provided. Again using the same email address please let us know as we will need to demonstrate there is a need.
Do you have green fingers and wish to expand your range of produce?, then you may be interested to know that an allotment plot has become vacant in the village. If you are interested in becoming a tenant then please contact the Claire on for more information.
Help for Households

Wearing of facemasks in hospitals
Please be aware that hospitals are asking people to once again wear face masks in Emergency departments due to a rise in flu cases, this may also include other departments.
Yorkshire Water Meeting
In response to the on-going discussions between Kilham Parish Council and Yorkshire Water, Yorkshire Water has organised a roadshow event for Kilham residents. This event will provide an opportunity to meet with representatives from Yorkshire Water and ask questions. The roadshow will take place in Kilham Village Hall on Saturday, 12th October, from 10am to 12pm. All are welcome to attend.
Our Priority Services Register makes life easier for you. (
Priority ServicesPriority Services1
Priority Services2
Priority Services3
We can support in lots of ways. We don't want anyone to worry about paying their water bill. Take a look at all the free ways we could help you save.(
Help Paying Your BillWATER METERS
We take readings from the meter and calculate your bill for our water and sewage services. You could really benefit from ahving a water meter installed. (
Water MetersAge UK Hull and East Riding

EAST RIDING VOLUNTEER BEFRIENDERS NEEDED. Talk, laugh and make a difference in your community Our Volunteer Befrienders provide regular friendship visits or telephone calls with the aim of reducing the feelings of social isolation and loneliness
If you think you need help or know someone who does, contact us and we’ll try to help or signpost you. We are here for you.
There is a Kilham Food Bank donation point at All Saints’ Church 24/7

Food Bank
Food Bank1

(HAF) Holiday Activities and Food
Please find listed below the programmes that are available during the summer holidays for children and young people who are in receipt of benefits related free school meals. These sessions are funded by the Department for Education, with participants being given 16 places for free, subject to availability across all HAF activities. All sessions are 4 hours long and include a meal. Please visit food/ to see all programmes and contact the providers directly for more information and to book your places. We hope you find something you will enjoy.
Bridlington and DriffieldBeverley and The Wolds
Cottingham and Haltemprice
South Holderness, Hornsea and Withernsea
Goole and Howden
Fill that Hole
Report or find a hazard
Local councils have a duty to maintain the roads, but they can only fill a pothole if they know about it. If you want it repaired, you have to report it. News and Articles
Kilham War Memorial
The Kilham War Memorial has now been added to the list of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historical interest. The memorial is now listed at Grade II.
Researched by Christine Snowden (nee Tate) "Lest we forget"
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Community Transport in Kilham
Are you struggling to get your weekly shopping or attend social events? Then Community Transport could be for you.
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New Bus Timetable
A new bus timetable has come intro place please make sure you are familiar with this so you dont get caught short.
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Anti Social Behaviour
Anti-social behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life. Anti-social behaviour can have a serious impact on individuals and whole communities. It reduces feelings of safety and will not be tolerated.
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Sent on behalf of Humberside Police
To tackle thefts of small electrical products, Humberside Police is running a campaign to get people to register the details of their valuables, on to a free website, called Help us to help you!
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Outreach Post Office
The Outreach Post Office is running at the Village Hall. Please make sure we all use this invaluable service in our village. Click attached document to see opening times.
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HUMBERSIDE Fire and Rescue Service
Humberside Fire & Rescue can provide you with important safety advice for you and your family.
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Dog Warden Service
Do you see irresponsible dog owners walk on after their dog has fouled? Stop them damaging your reputation and report them to us in confidence: Dog Warden Service (01482) 396301
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Want to save money on your energy bills? Sign up for YORSwitch today -
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Lisset Wind Farm Community Fund
Potential funding for Parishes within the East Wolds Coastal Electoral Ward of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council
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East Ridng Library Service
East Riding Library Service has launched a new streamlined Mobile Library Service in October 2017. The new service is significantly different from our previous offer and the sites we visit in your parish may have changed in frequency, duration or day of the week the library visits. For up-to-date information please click ‘attached document’
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Safer Roads Humber
If you have concerns about speeding traffic through Kilham please inform ERYC road safety section by going to contactus/ ¬and also let the police know your concerns via their own web page. The more people who do this the more likely the authorities are to take notice.
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My Community Alert
Effective communication is an essential and pivotal cornerstone of modern-day policing. My Community Alert is a free messaging system operated by Humberside Police, Humberside Fire & Rescue Service, and Humberside Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, giving you live information about incidents happening in your area. Choose how you receive messages, by either phone or email, how often you want to hear from us and about the issues that matter to you. When something happens that you’ve told us you want to hear about, your local officer will send you the details, whether that’s notice of a road closure due to a collision or a burglar who has been caught in a nearby garden. Subscribe to My Community Alert to be the first to know about issues that might affect you or your family.
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The WI
The WI is part of a national organisation and was formed in 1915. The WI is open to all women and offers educational opportunities, the chance to build new skills, take part in a wide range of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.
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